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We help people find your website on search engines so you get more site visitors and more business through search engine optimization services resulting in high search engine ranking.
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Search Engine Marketing And Website Content

Most Frequent Asked Questions & Answers

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What is web sales copy?

search engine optimization questions answers

Website sales copy is basically advertising written for web pages. It is intended to move the site visitor toward some action. The action can be a purchase, an inquiry, a request for more information.

What is website content?

Website content is all the things you see and read on a website. This is includes all text, all the images and graphics, the links and colors. We typically refer to the written text as “content”, web page “message”, or just plain “text.”

Why is sales copy and other content important for search engine ranking

The Internet was founded as an information tool. That’s why it’s called “The Information Super Highway.” Businesses now use the Internet as a marketing, advertising and sales tool. Search engines are computer programs that scan all websites to see if each site meets the rules of the Internet.

Websites are “ranked” according to the relevant information they contain. Your site needs as much content text relating direcly to the key search terms as possible. This will give you a much better opportunity for your website to obtain a high search engine ranking.

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Got a question(s)?  Send us an email and we’ll answer asap.

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How can I tell if my sales copy is any good?

Read your written content from your customers’ point of view. Does it speak directly to them? Is it relevant to their concerns, issues, and the reason(s) they came to your site? It’s not easy to put yourself in your customers’ shoes, but try it. Power Web Writer analyzes each client site for 5 critical content areas in our Website Writing Evalution. Once we complete an analysis, we know where the problems are located and what needs to be improved.

My website isn't getting any traffic.Why?

Your website must have site visitors to eleveate your search engine rank. However, your website also needs a high search engine listing (aka ranking) to be visible. So, you as a, website owner, end up feeling like you’re running in circles.

You can improve search engine ranking rapidily with inexpensive marketing campaigns to drive traffic to your site. Use a low-risk offer with a free sample, free report, or other product, service, or communication of value. Then follow up with emails to clients or prospective clients to get them to visit your site. The Pay per click advertising from both Google and Yahoo! is an option - but be aware of the costs associated with your ad campaigns.

The best way to improve traffic is to develop a Search Engine Optimized site and create a targeted Search Engine Marketing program that starts with keyword aware sales copy and includes Search Engine Optimization.

Stop Guessing! - Find out where your site ranks and what your site needs to get the traffic (and business) you want!

Request your FREE Web Site Search Engine Ranking Report No charge - no further obligation. Compliments of Power Web Writer, 503-828-6268.

Power Web Writer for Search Engine Optimization Services
Portland, Oregon, USA
Email: Contact Power Web Writer
Phone: 503-828-6268