Search Engine Optimization And Website Content
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faq search engine optimizing service Portland Have questions about SEO or how to avoid Google and other search engine black list q & a about seo service company SEO Portland FAQ about SEO serviice and search enging black listHow do I avoid using black-listed techniques?

There are a ton of “don’ts” for websites. Here are some techniques to avoid:
Hidden key words - by coloring text the same as background
Key word stuffing - repeating key words or terms over and over consecutively.
Doorway, hallway, or entry pages - these are standalone pages that may or may not help, so don’t bother.
Portland search engine optimization services questions and answers help you make sure your site gets Portland Search Engine Optimization
questions about our SEO company Portland Oregon plus q & a about SEO service and how to avoid search engine black list.What’s the best layout for my website text content?
Simpler is always better. Here are a few tips: Text reads better when it is dark and the background is a light color. Use text at least 10px in size for your primary text area. The smaller the text font, the greater the need for dark text. Allow enough white space around the margins - avoid a cramped look. Scrolling down is fine, your visitors expect your page to be longer than their screen. However, search engines will stop crawling your page after about 1300 words. Avoid pages that are too wide. 500px is about the maximum limit for your text area; any wider and you will lose your reader.
Portland Search Engine Optimization, Portland Website Marketing, and Portland Google Tips Answers the Question - I Can't Find My Website on Search Engines Like Google!
I keep reading about fonts and which ones to use. Any tips?
Use sans-serif type fonts because the computer monitor screen is more difficult to read than printed pages. This is due to continous electronic refresh processing on your video monitor. Your eyes must adapt to the continous minute flickering of the vidoe monitor. Serifs are the small extensions on the ends of letters. The most commonly used sans-serif fonts are Arial, Verdana, MS Trebuchet, Helvetica, and Tahoma. Search engines don't care about the font size or font family. However, avoid using text color and background colors that are too much alike. Example: search engines can interpret light gray as white and, on a white background, this could trigger a penalty.
SEO service company answers your questions about Portland Search Engine Optimization
Portland Website Marketing, and Portland Google Tips also Portland Oregon Search Engine Optimization, and Portland Oregon Website Marketing, and Portland Oregon Google TipsGot a question(s)? Send us an email and we’ll answer asap.
Portland Search Engine Optimization, Portland Website Marketing, and Portland Google Tips Answers the Question - I Can't Find My Website on Search Engines Like Google!
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