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Is Your Site Google Friendly?

Here Are Tips Directly From Google To Help
You Avoid Search Engine Optimization Problems

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Start With Search Engine Optimization Services

Always include search engine optimization as part of your website marketing strategy. A professional search engine optimization company will develop or edit your website pages to make them "Google Friendly" or "search engine friendly." Search engine optimization professionals frequently offer web page content copy writing, web site architecture design, and locate special search directories where you can submit your website.

Google Rules For Search Engine Optimization Consultant

The Google search engine has definite rules about what is considered "legal" and "illegal" website optimization and website marketing. We are listing some of the primary rules on this page. Power Web Writer follows all these rules when optimizing our clients' websites. Included in the following list are several search engine optimization buyer's tips, too.

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Avoid Search Engine Spammers

Avoid Search Engine Optimization service providers who forward unsolicited email to you. If you have not approved mailings from these companies - it's spam!

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Do You Really Believe Those Guarantees?

No one can ever guarantee a #1 ranking on Google. Beware of search engine optimization services or any website marketing company who promises to place your website Number 1 on Google. It doesn't work, and if you think about it, it really doesn't, make sense. If it sounds too good to be true - it is! . . . and it isn't true.

Also avoid companies who claim they are Google "partners." They may offer what is called a "priority submit" program for Google. However, Google doesn't offer any type of priority site submission services. The best way to get Google to review your website is by registering your website XML sitemap directly to Google using the Google Webmaster tools.

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Be A Knowledgable Customer

If you do use a Search Engine Optimization company, make sure you get a thorough explanation of services before committing to a project. Even if you don't understand all the technical material, the willingness of an SEO / website marketing firm to take the time to explain their services is a clear indicator of how well they work with clients. So, ask for explanations if something is unclear. After all, it's your website and your business so you should have a good understanding of what to expect so you receive the right services.

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Avoid Linking Your Site Without Permission

Linking programs are a real gray area in the world of optimization. Google especially rewards one-way inbound links. However, some search engine optimizing firms will offer dubious link popularity plans, also called "free-for-all" links programs. They may also recommend submitting your site to thousands of search engines several times. These programs will cost you money and have no value in fact your site could be punished by submitting to search engines repeatedly.

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Purchase Necessary Services - Avoid The Frills

Avoid search engine optimization programs that provide a utility to enter keywords directly to a browser address bar. However, for these programs to provide information to you, your site visitors are required to download extra software. Since most web site visitors won’t do that, it’s a useless feature.

Understanding what you are paying for will help you in making your decision about your search engine optimization services. You cannot buy a better search engine ranking by paying a fee to Google. Other search engines offer programs that mix pay per click (sometimes called Search Engine Positioning) results with their regular web search results. Attempting to elevate your search engine ranking by purchasing advertising will not work with Google. The Google search algorithm separates organic / natural search engine rankings from it's advertising listings.

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Common Abusive Search Engine Optimization Techniques

The overwhelming percentage of Search Engine Optimization service companies and specialists are very much aware of the rules and regulations necessary for quality service. Only a few companies offer illegal techniques, as defined by the Google and other search engines. These techniques are known a "black hat" search optimization. The following are a list of procedures Google considers to be black hat or illegal.

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Deceptive Redirects With Shadow Domains

One deceptive approach is developing “shadow” domains to send web users to a website using bogus redirects. These shadow domains may be owned by companies who state they are working for their customer’s benefit. However, if the company can aim the shadow domain to another point the different site, if the business relationship terminates. You could find yourself actually paying for a competitor’s web search ranking.

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Doorway Pages Can Get Your Site Banned

Another illegal practice is to place "doorway" pages consisting of nothing more than a list of keywords within your website. with keywords within your website. This really won't help increase the page relevance because each web page is usually considered relevant for only a few keywords or key search phrases. Doorway pages often contain hidden links to other clients of the SEO firm. These doorway pages will reduce the link popularity of your website by sending it to the other sites. This can actually result in an overall reduction in search engine ranking.

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What are some other things to look out for?

There are a few warning signs that you may be dealing with an unethical Search Engine Optimization firm. Avoid using service providers who do any of the following:

Google friendly website Oregon search engine marketing Portland search engine marketing Oregon number 1 Google rank Portland number 1 Google rank

  • Owns or uses shadow domains
  • Puts links to their other clients on doorway pages
  • Offers to sell keywords in the address bar
  • Doesn't diffentiate natural search results from advertising placement
  • Guarantees high ranking, but the keywords are rarely searched
  • Uses multiple business names and misrepresents domain registration information
  • Gets traffic from nonexistent search engines or spyware
  • Has had domains removed from Google's index or is not itself listed in Google
Power Web Writer does not use any of these illegal tactics!

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Stop Guessing! - Find out where your site ranks and what your site needs to get the traffic (and business) you want!

Request your FREE  Web Site Search Engine Ranking Report No charge - no further obligation. Compliments of Power Web Writer, 503-828-6268.

Power Web Writer for Search Engine Optimization Services
Portland, Oregon, USA
Email: Contact Power Web Writer
Phone: 503-828-6268

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